Keyword Strategy

Huh? What's a "video" keyword?

It’s simple.
Type a search phrase into Google.
If you see YouTube videos ranked on page one of Google, then that’s what we call a video keyword.
Note: Not all keywords are video keywords. It’s your job to dig, find them and then use them to your advantage. đŸ˜‰
Fun Fact: About 55% of all searches done on Google include video (YouTube) results on page 1. That number is increasing over time...
An example of a video keyword is the perfect golf swing as shown in the image below…
You see, Google’s video results are like a search engine within a search engine. It’s way easier to rank your YouTube video within the top 10 results on Google than your website or blog. That’s because Google loves YouTube vids!
Question: On page 1 of Google, would you rather try and outrank 10 webpages or 1-2 YouTube videos. Easy answer, right?
Remember, not all keywords are video keywords. Why are video keywords so important?
It’s because Google is already ranking YouTube videos for that particular keyword. So, your chances of getting your YT videos ranked on Google are much greater than aiming for a non-video keyword that may never get ranked on Page 1 of Google.
Make sense?
If you find a keyword that has one or more YouTube videos on Page 1 of Google’s organic search results…

Ding, ding, ding… you've got a winner!

The more videos that appears on Page 1 of Google the better.
If you can get your video ranked on both YouTube and Google, that's where the magic really happens. It's common to see a 2X, 3X or more traffic boost by getting your video ranked on page 1 of Google.
It's like a DOUBLE RAINBOW of free traffic goodness!
double-rainbowWhat type of keywords typically rank as video keywords?
Aha… I’m glad you asked!
Google often displays video results for these type of keywords:
  • How-to Keywords (Example: how to tie a tie)
  • Problem/Solution Videos (Example: get rid of bed bugs)
  • Tutorials/Demos (Example: installing windows 8)
  • Product/Service Reviews (Example: godaddy reviews)
  • Humor/Funny Videos (Example: dancing cats)
  • Fitness/Sports Videos (Example: kettlebell swing)
  • Gaming Related Videos (Example: inside halo 5)
  • Music Related Videos (Example: hit me baby one more time)
  • Local/Location Keyword Videos (Example: water damage restoration orlando)
To recap… so far we’ve gone through the first 2 steps to finding good potential keywords on YouTube to rank your videos…
  • Step #1: Find keywords: YouTube Autocomplete
  • Step #2: Find Keywords: Google Keyword Planner
  • Important: Find "Buyer" and “Video” Keywords
So, what’s next?
At this point, you might be thinking...
"But, the Google Keyword Planner only shows Google search volume. How can we get YouTube search volume like the good ol' YouTube Keyword Tool used to showed us?"
That's why I think you'll love this little tactic...

Step #3: Use The Google Display Planner

You have to do a little digging.
But once you do... oh mama!
The data you can tap into here is head-and-shoulders above what you could get from the old YouTube keyword tool.
What if you had xray vision and could see your audience on YouTube BEFORE you even created and uploaded your video?
I'm talking about you knowing their age, gender and preferred device to access the Internet.
Incredible data to have... wouldn't you say?
Wait til you see what's possible...
Step 1: Log in to your AdWords account
Go to the drop down menu and select Tools => Display Planner: 
google display plannerStep 2: Type in your search query and press the button "Get ad group ideas"...
Step 3: Edit the "Ad Formats and sizes"
What you will see now is the volume of weekly views and the number of impressions...
demographicsStep 4: Click the drop-down menu (shown above) and select "Monthly". This way, you can analyze the monthly traffic volume.
Next step... click on the keyword to drill down even further.
Step 5: Deep-Analyze The Underlying Demographic Targeting Data
Powerful stuff, right?
If you were planning to create a YouTube video targeting the keyphrase "make money blogging" you know have some laser-targeted demographic data about who your audience is...
... 18-34 year old men
... not a parent
... primarily use (work on) a desktop computer


Happy-dance(...time for a little happy dance!)
So there you have it!
Prior to reading this excellent post... if you were struggling how to find juicykeywords to hook hot BUYERS on Google & YouTube and better understand your ideal prospects demographic data, don't sweat it!
As you can now see, Google and YouTube still give you a few great options to find those golden target keywords.
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