My mother is the only one who calls me by my full name " Joanna". When I started school, with my name being so simple it still got twisted around to being prononounced as " JUWANAH" by my Irish friend, Kathleen. "JOHANNA", was the preferred way by my kindergarten teacher.
Everyone had their own unique way of calling me, that is until College.
A very handsome boy started calling me "Jo", then other people (girls) followed.
Nowadays, people want the name that is most SEO friendly so they can dominate traffic online.
They want the name that people will see and remember and share with others.
Your name projects a memorable image. It must be chosen wisely and seeded well or someone may choose one for you based upon what they interpret about you.
Obama/ NoBama
Elvis/ The King
John Wayne/ Duke
Sean Combs/ PDiddy
Once it happens and the viral wave catches it, it may stick.
It's not always easy to re-invent yourself as the " Artist Formerly Known As" Prince ( who? ).
My simple advice for naming your business is:
1. Search the names on Google and Bing to ensure there are no bad posts or reviews on it or similar names that appear close in the search
Gus rushed onto GoDaddy and bought ABCmotors. He didn't see that AA Motors and AC motors had customer complaints in other states. When he built his business site and placed it online it appeared in similar searches to the other complaints, he didn't get any phone calls. When people walked in they bombarded him with questions to make sure he wasn't connected with the other businesses. He received a walk on audit for taxes because one of the other businesses had shut down and did not pay their city taxes. It was a case of mistaken identity. The wrong name could mean headaches and trouble.
2. Need more name ideas? Take a look at these name generators:
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